Newwave Media srl


Translations tailored to your needs.


Omnichannel marketing, websites, press releases, newsletters, landing pages, social media, product and trademark naming, pay-offs, copy texts, brochures and catalogues.
Lexitrad understands the importance of translating and adapting marketing texts and advertising messages to foreign languages and cultures because promotional initiatives are crucial for your growth.


Litigation, disputes, agreements, financial statements, reports/forecasts, due diligence, deeds of incorporation, mergers and acquisitions, corporate financial reorganisations, sustainability reports, tenders, notarial deeds, family law, inheritances, adoptions.
Lexitrad has long specialised in the legal/financial field, encompassing all the needs of companies, institutions and individuals, regardless of the specific subject area.
The service is carried out with complete confidentiality, competence and in a timely manner.
Translations sworn in court are normally done in Veneto, however, on request, our national network allows us to provide this service closer to your office or firm at other courts.


Weddings, passports, visas, inheritance matters, residence permits, citizenship applications, driving licences, buying and selling movable and immovable property, medical/academic certificates, criminal records, CVs, job applications.
For administrative requirements, depending on the reason and place of use of the document or certificate, we can advise whether a sworn translation or self-certification is required.
Sworn translations are processed within 3-5 working days after receipt of the original certificate/document, while self-certified translations can be delivered within less than one working day.


Manuals and guides for machinery and equipment, instruction manuals, patents, technical sheets and reports, scientific and technological reports, technical training and e-learning documents.
Know-how and method allow us to serve all industries, including engineering, agro-industry and services, to ensure translations with specialised and unambiguous terminologies.


Magazine and periodical articles, artistic and cultural texts, biographies, museum and tourist guides, essays, monographs, reports, narrative texts.
Lexitrad is committed to providing translations in the field of general art, culture and publishing to express concepts that transcend linguistic constraints.


For all events, meetings and conferences where an interpreter is needed: meetings/negotiations, simultaneous, consecutive, whispered interpreting.


Last but not least, do you need other support for your business?
We have developed trusted relationships with many excellent service providers:
- DTP/layout for brochures;
- web agencies (Veneto, Milan);
- ecommerce (Italy);
- English language courses (Mestre, Treviso, Padua);
- court-sworn translations in other regions of Italy

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